Josna Rege

584. P is for Potholes

In blogs and blogging, Politics, Stories, United States on April 19, 2024 at 7:12 am

For the month of April I am participating for the ninth time in the annual A-to-Z blogging challenge, writing a post for every letter of the alphabet. My theme this year is the world, the world that is always with us, that we must not keep out and cannot do without.


Earlier this spring I worked on a campaign in my hometown to pass a resolution in support of a ceasefire in Gaza. It had a lot of community support and was eventually passed, but the most common objection that I heard from town councilors and skeptics alike was that it was not a local issue and  would take the councilors’ precious time away from addressing local problems such as potholes. I have no words with which to respond to this, so excuse me if I resort to images. 

This is a pothole in one of the roads in our town:

This is a pothole left by a U.S.-made 2,000-lb. bomb in Gaza, one of hundreds dropped by the Israeli military in the first three months of its assault on Gaza, many in heavily populated neighborhoods:

                                                   crater left by 2000-lb. bomb

Which one requires my attention first?

Tell Me Another (Contents to Date)

Chronological Table of Contents


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