Josna Rege

223. Darn It!

In Stories on January 9, 2023 at 9:54 am

Thinking of Mum, who was good at darning, and taught me. I have a hole in my favorite woolen hat and in too many of my socks to count; maybe it’s time to try my hand at it again.

Tell Me Another

(from (from

The first pair of tights (pantyhose) I ever owned were pretty heavy—they must have been at least 40 denier—and a ghastly putty colour to boot, but at not-quite-fifteen I felt slinky and sophisticated in them. So you can imagine my consternation when I looked down after less than a week and saw the beginnings of a ladder (run) in one of the toes. I knew that I wouldn’t be getting another pair anytime soon and was desperate to do anything I could to extend their life. Fortunately a friend saved me with some clear nail polish, which  stops a run dead in its tracks. For a time, anyway; until it can be darned.

how to fix a run in your tights (from how to fix a run in your tights (from

And darn it I did; we all did in those days. It was unthinkable to throw away a perfectly good pair of tights…

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